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  • Twin Souls (TBD)

    Daniel K. Daniel, Peace Oni

    Chisom and Uzo are so in love but eventually decide not to be together. Years later, they come to the realisation that emotions are indepe…

  • Daniella (TBD)

    Walter Anga, Angela Okorie

    A noble lady who is indebted to a friend who selflessly donated a kidney to her, sacrifices her true love and marries a wealthy guy to fund…

  • Before God And Man (TBD)

    Browny Igboegwu, Tonto Dikeh

    Before God and Man

  • Alkebba (TBD)

    Ali Nuhu

  • Allazi Wahidin (TBD)

    Tanimu Akawu, Sadiq Ahmad

  • Allo (TBD)

    Dan Ibro, Nafisat Abdullahi

  • Giwar Mata (TBD)

  • Kingdom On Earth (TBD)

    Solomon Akiyesi, Prince Nwafor

    A shy, reserved prince is ordered by his father the king to get married, however the two men do not see eye to eye on the qualities that a …

  • My Classmate (TBD)

    Mary Remmy Njoku, Dede One Day

    A bright young student is framed for exam malpractice by a lecturer who was opposed to him dating his daughter. After being expelled from u…

  • Breaking Chains (TBD)

    Alex Mouth, Zubby Michael

    A loyal household cook; whose fragile daughter has sickle cell anaemia is distraught when her deceased employers’ children, who claim she o…