“Dumebi in School” continues the adventures of the original movie titled “Dumebi the Dirty Girl.” In this episode Frank (Kenneth Okonkwo) entertained his colleagues at home and Dumebi played the host to his guests. Due to Dumebi’s lack of education and grace, she once again, embarrassed her husband. This prompted his decision to send Dumebi to school.
Dumebi was reluctant to go to school at first and she escaped to the village and stayed with her parents. There, the town elders held a meeting and shared stories of how being uneducated affected them. Afterward, Dumebi agreed to return to school but it was mostly to impress her husband and not of a desire to further herself.
Dumebi sat in primary school among children. This caused her to feel ashamed and the school faculty made fun of her. By the end of the movie Dumebi beat up a student, got caught stealing, pulled some pranks, and was a bad influence on the young girls.
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