Faithful Sin

English Drama
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Linda (Jackie Appiah) grew up poor alongside her two brothers. Her stepfather sexually abused her as a young girl and she covertly poisoned him. He died and her mother passed years later from cancer.

As siblings without parents, Linda took responsibility for her brothers. She took one brother and moved in with her best friend, Oprah, while the other brother headed for the village.

Life seemed to look up when Linda lived in the house with Oprah (Calista Okoronkwo) and her parents. They had been friends for years but their friendship walked a tight rope when Linda secretly had an affair with, of all people, Oprah’s father.

Oprah was clueless about her cheating father and Linda only slept with the Chief (Paul Wilson) because he promised to pay for her brother’s education.

The inappropriate affair almost went up in smoke when Linda and the Chief were seen together. Shortly after, all eyewitnesses were neatly eliminated but more problems emerged when the Chief was kidnapped and held for a ransom.