Meet Our Wives

English Drama
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User rating: 1.0/5 (1)

MEET OUT WIVES is highly captivating and has a very relatable storyline. In the movie, Jeff (played by Bobby Obodo) is married to an 'about town' type of girl, Nkiru who seems to be on a rampage to drive him crazy as she is so vicious and manipulative. Nkiru's grumpy attitude takes a toll on Jeff and also drives his family away from his home leaving him fretful. Daniel Lloyd plays Jeff's younger brother Emeka who assiduously marries a girl far from what his sister in law Nkiru is, a church girl; Deborah. He soon discovers he's not far from his brother's predicament only in a different way. His wife, Deborah has this paranoia that makes her suspect anybody and anything around her, believing it's spiritual. Due to this, she makes Emeka to be moving houses until he's at his wits end.