All By Myself

English Drama
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The film opens with Ron (played by Desmond) and Anita (played by Stephanie Salawe) having an argument in public on campus. We find out that Anita has been Ron’s girlfriend of four years. He put her through school only to turn up and find her cavorting with another guy and brazenly denying her relationship with Ron to his face.

Desmond is excellent at displaying his character’s heartbreak shock and anger effortlessly screaming “Heiiiiwwwoooooo!” all the while grabbing her and exclaiming, “You will marry me… IT’S A LIE… You will marry me!”

Right at the beginning after the argument scene we have long drawn out beach/horseriding scenes *YAWN* Don is reminiscing and pining for the girl that he did all those lovey dovey things with not the ruthless man hungry campus chick she turned into.