Pot of Riches

English Drama
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Ben (Francis Duru) had it made. He had a wife that loved him, a home, and wealth. He was a generous man however anyone he gave money to mysteriously experienced failure. When recipients returned the money to him, their businesses immediately flourished. It was strange and no one could understand it.

A pastor deemed Ben’s money to be blood money. Unbeknownst to his wife and family, Ben feared poverty so much that he joined a cult that promised him wealth for life. Members of the cult worshipped the Great Akatura, who was made of both flesh and spirit.

Ben was suddenly paralyzed and couldn’t walk. His doctors wanted to amputate his legs but Ben sought other solutions. His wife prayed for him but he visited the Great Akatura for a cure. Akatura was wiling to wave his wand to give Ben the use of his legs again but Ben had to sacrifice someone that was dear to him in exchange.